Source code for henson_mongodb

"""MongoDB plugin for Henson."""

import os
import pkg_resources
import ssl

from henson import Extension
from pymongo import MongoClient, uri_parser

__all__ = ('MongoDB',)

    _dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution(__name__)
    if not __file__.startswith(os.path.join(_dist.location, __name__)):
        # Manually raise the exception if there is a distribution but
        # it's installed from elsewhere.
        raise pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound
except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:
    __version__ = 'development'
    __version__ = _dist.version

[docs]class MongoDB(Extension): """An interface to interact with MongoDB.""" REQUIRED_SETTINGS = ('MONGODB_URI',) DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { 'MONGODB_DOCUMENT_CLASS': dict, 'MONGODB_TIME_ZONE_AWARE': False, } client = None def init_app(self, app): """Initialize an application instance. Args: app (henson.base.Application): The application instance to initialize. """ super().init_app(app) info = uri_parser.parse_uri(app.settings['MONGODB_URI']) if not info['database']: raise ValueError('A database name must be specified.') app.settings['MONGODB_DATABASE'] = info['database'] app.settings['MONGODB_USERNAME'] = info['username'] app.settings['MONGODB_PASSWORD'] = info['password'] app.settings['MONGODB_USE_SSL'] = info['options'].get('ssl', False) app.settings['MONGODB_AUTH_MECHANISM'] = info['options'].get( 'authmechanism', 'DEFAULT') # X.509 app.settings['MONGODB_SSL_CERTFILE'] = info['options'].get( 'ssl_certfile') app.settings['MONGODB_SSL_CA_CERTS'] = info['options'].get( 'ssl_ca_certs') app.settings['MONGODB_REPLICA_SET'] = info['options'].get( 'replicaset') app.settings['MONGODB_MAX_POOL_SIZE'] = info['options'].get( 'max_pool_size') app.settings['MONGODB_CONNECT'] = info['options'].get( 'auto_start_request', False) # Keyword arguments that will be passed to the MongoDB client. kwargs = { 'host': app.settings['MONGODB_URI'], 'ssl': app.settings['MONGODB_USE_SSL'], 'document_class': app.settings['MONGODB_DOCUMENT_CLASS'], 'maxPoolSize': app.settings['MONGODB_MAX_POOL_SIZE'], 'tz_aware': app.settings['MONGODB_TIME_ZONE_AWARE'], 'connect': app.settings['MONGODB_CONNECT'], } if app.settings['MONGODB_REPLICA_SET']: kwargs['replicaSet'] = app.settings['MONGODB_REPLICA_SET'] self._auth = { 'name': app.settings['MONGODB_USERNAME'], } if self._auth['name']: self._auth['mechanism'] = app.settings['MONGODB_AUTH_MECHANISM'] if app.settings['MONGODB_AUTH_MECHANISM'] == 'MONGODB-X509': kwargs['ssl_cert_reqs'] = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED kwargs['ssl_certfile'] = app.settings['MONGODB_SSL_CERTFILE'] kwargs['ssl_ca_certs'] = app.settings['MONGODB_SSL_CA_CERTS'] if not (kwargs['ssl_certfile'] and kwargs['ssl_ca_certs']): raise ValueError( 'To use X.509, both the certificate file and the ' 'certificate authority file must be specified.' ) else: # Otherwise use username and password authentication. self._auth['password'] = app.settings['MONGODB_PASSWORD'] if any(self._auth.values()) and not all(self._auth.values()): # Make sure that if any authentication settings are # provided, all authentication settings are provided. This # should only apply to username and password authentication. # NOTE: The pymongo URI parser will raise # pymongo.errors.InvalidURI if the username is empty. raise ValueError( 'Username and password must be specified together or ' 'not at all.' ) self.client = MongoClient(**kwargs) # If a database name was provided, store the name so that the # db property can be used. self._db = app.settings['MONGODB_DATABASE'] @property def db(self): """Shortcut to the database object.""" if isinstance(self._db, str): # Lazily load the database instance. self._db = self.client[self._db] if self._auth: # If authentication information has been provided, try to # use it. self._db.authenticate(**self._auth) return self._db